Group Psychotherapy
What is Group Therapy?
The therapeutic dynamics and strengths of a group are the foundation upon which group therapy is built. Focusing upon a central communal theme, the aim of the group is to facilitate an experience which enhances self-awareness, coping skills, resilience and emotion management. Groups help us to discover roles and patterns of communication within relationships, allowing us to reflect in a safe space with our group and find support. By sharing, listening and the discovery that others relate to our experiences we are comforted by the feelings of support and the knowledge that we are not alone.
The success of Group psychotherapy is characterised by acceptance, empathy and belonging through which we experience joint co-evolution through co-operation.
Themes of Group Psychotherapy;
Stress and Compulsion Management
Psychological Resilience and Life Skills (for adolescents)
Resilience Training (for adults)
Support and education groups relating to food intake, weight and body image
Chronic Pain Management Groups
Support for families with a chronically ill or disabled member
Support for survivors of domestic violence/abuse
Parental support Groups
Personal Development Groups